His presentation and workshop will explore the concept that horror is based upon intervals of time, and how those intervals are used to heighten the audience's experience. Participants will watch clips of horror films, exploring how time is manipulated, and mine them for images to create horrorku.
Horror is directly related to the idea of time, either stretching out time, condensing time, containing time, etc. Gage will discuss this, and then show clips from horror movies, and explore how directors use these images and condense or expand time. Once it is established that the manipulation of time can create moments of horror, participants will mine these clips for imagery that could then be used to develop strong, horrorku. The conference theme describes intervals as "where humanity slows, observes, absorbs"--and Gage's premise is that haiku can manipulate time to create a more haunting and/or horrorific experience.
Joshua Gage describes himself as "an ornery curmudgeon from Cleveland." His first full-length collection, breaths, is available from VanZeno Press. Intrinsic Night, a collaborative project he wrote with J. E. Stanley, is available from Sam’s Dot Publishing. He is a graduate of the Low Residency MFA Program in Creative Writing at Naropa University. He has a penchant for Pendleton shirts, rye whiskey and any poem strong enough to yank the breath out of his lungs. He stomps around Cleveland in a purple bathrobe where he hosts the monthly Deep Cleveland Poetry hour and enjoys the beer at Brew Kettle.