Haiku North America 2013 Conference Theme
The journey to full moon,
at the full moon's
rising, the silver-plumed
reeds tremble
Masoaka Shiki (tr. Janine Beichman)
the timespan of high to low tide,
their colorful umbrellas
low tide
Kobayashi Issa (tr. David G. Lanoue)
the lull from one wave to the next,
The spring sea rising
and falling, rising
and falling all day
Yosa Buson (tr. Robert Hass)
the pause between breaths.
Orchid - breathing
incense into
butterfly's wings.
Matsuo Basho (tr. Lucien Stryk)
INTERVALS - the spaces in-between, where humanity slows, observes, absorbs;
there, where connection is made through our senses, sensibilities, intuitive nature.