Haiku in the World: Dissolving Walls, Building Community
Latest Press Release: hna_2019_press_release.pdf
Welcome to Haiku North America 2019! Sponsored by the Haiku Society of North Carolina, the conference will be held in Winston Salem, NC Wednesday August 7th through Sunday August 11th. This is the second time the event will be held in Winston, and we hope to build upon the success of our previous event. Our community is once again excited and involved in preparing for HNA 2019.
Community is the operative word, a word which has many synonyms but no single one that encompasses as much as it does. We will explore the small but powerful form of haiku and how it may address our theme—how we may collaborate, engage, dialogue, together with more energy, tools, passion and cooperation to benefit the many forms of community in which we find ourselves.
We begin with Winston Salem. Already, we have built a monthly haiku group through Winston Salem Writers, Meetup and Slam Winston that has generated 57 members. Over the next few months, we will sponsor readings, exhibits and workshops across our community. We will introduce a program which pairs students and local poets with poets coming to HNA. We hope to capitalize on the benefits of HNA for our local community.
Of course, we look forward to advancing the community known as HNA, building on the great strides made in Santa Fe. Evaluations of that event spoke highly of the inclusion of diverse peoples, subjects, and neophyte poets. we will build on that progress by soliciting programs that encourage dialogue, enlist participation, promote collaboration, and impel engagement.
Our headquarter hotel where most events take place lends itself to conversation both during, between, and after events. Our schedule will allow for socializing and discussion, and our 24-hour hospitality suite (with a convenient kitchen and complimentary beverages) will be a place to do that. A coffee shop, bakery, and three restaurants are within 300 yards of the hotel, and a free breakfast is available in the hotel every morning.
Each morning a ginko will take place in Old Salem, the historical village a short walk or ride by van. Van transportation will be provided throughout the day. A pre-conference tour of Reynolda House, one of the leading American Art museums in the setting of the historical home of R.J.Reynolds, is also planned.
The Tanka Society of America is also pleased to announce Tanka Monday, to follow immediately after HNA, in the same meeting location. Tanka events will begin Sunday evening, and continue 9-6 on Monday and are all FREE. Please book your hotel and airfare with this addition in mind if you can attend. Watch for more details at www.tankasocietyofamerica.org.
Ideally, our conversation at HNA 2019 will carry with us and strengthen the HNA community. Hopefully, we can find strategies to reach out to the larger haiku community, where we may include those hundreds if not thousands of poets who have not yet joined in. Last but not least, perhaps we will discover new means by which we increase and support Haiku in the World.
The 2019 HNA Conference will be held in Winston-Salem, North Carolina August 7th-11th 2019. Please check back for more information as it becomes available.
Haiku North America is designed for, and open to, everyone—beginners and seasoned specialists alike. We are expecting participants from Japan, Australia, Europe, and of course, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Workshops, performances, as well as readings, panels, and presentations for all levels of accomplishment will fill the four days, in addition to a very full Tanka Sunday plus for those interested. HNA 2017 saw over 220 attendees. This is the second time HNA has been held in Winston Salem, and we plan to make it even better than last time.
Conference sessions will be held at the Hawthorne Inn, complete with free breakfast and parking.
Click here for conference registration information and for the Conference Registration form
Click here for the Conference Program.
Click here for information about visiting Winston Salem, City of the Arts.
Latest Haiku North America Newsletter - July 3rd 2019
Latest Press Release: hna_2019_press_release.pdf
Welcome to Haiku North America 2019! Sponsored by the Haiku Society of North Carolina, the conference will be held in Winston Salem, NC Wednesday August 7th through Sunday August 11th. This is the second time the event will be held in Winston, and we hope to build upon the success of our previous event. Our community is once again excited and involved in preparing for HNA 2019.
Community is the operative word, a word which has many synonyms but no single one that encompasses as much as it does. We will explore the small but powerful form of haiku and how it may address our theme—how we may collaborate, engage, dialogue, together with more energy, tools, passion and cooperation to benefit the many forms of community in which we find ourselves.
We begin with Winston Salem. Already, we have built a monthly haiku group through Winston Salem Writers, Meetup and Slam Winston that has generated 57 members. Over the next few months, we will sponsor readings, exhibits and workshops across our community. We will introduce a program which pairs students and local poets with poets coming to HNA. We hope to capitalize on the benefits of HNA for our local community.
Of course, we look forward to advancing the community known as HNA, building on the great strides made in Santa Fe. Evaluations of that event spoke highly of the inclusion of diverse peoples, subjects, and neophyte poets. we will build on that progress by soliciting programs that encourage dialogue, enlist participation, promote collaboration, and impel engagement.
Our headquarter hotel where most events take place lends itself to conversation both during, between, and after events. Our schedule will allow for socializing and discussion, and our 24-hour hospitality suite (with a convenient kitchen and complimentary beverages) will be a place to do that. A coffee shop, bakery, and three restaurants are within 300 yards of the hotel, and a free breakfast is available in the hotel every morning.
Each morning a ginko will take place in Old Salem, the historical village a short walk or ride by van. Van transportation will be provided throughout the day. A pre-conference tour of Reynolda House, one of the leading American Art museums in the setting of the historical home of R.J.Reynolds, is also planned.
The Tanka Society of America is also pleased to announce Tanka Monday, to follow immediately after HNA, in the same meeting location. Tanka events will begin Sunday evening, and continue 9-6 on Monday and are all FREE. Please book your hotel and airfare with this addition in mind if you can attend. Watch for more details at www.tankasocietyofamerica.org.
Ideally, our conversation at HNA 2019 will carry with us and strengthen the HNA community. Hopefully, we can find strategies to reach out to the larger haiku community, where we may include those hundreds if not thousands of poets who have not yet joined in. Last but not least, perhaps we will discover new means by which we increase and support Haiku in the World.
The 2019 HNA Conference will be held in Winston-Salem, North Carolina August 7th-11th 2019. Please check back for more information as it becomes available.
Haiku North America is designed for, and open to, everyone—beginners and seasoned specialists alike. We are expecting participants from Japan, Australia, Europe, and of course, Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Workshops, performances, as well as readings, panels, and presentations for all levels of accomplishment will fill the four days, in addition to a very full Tanka Sunday plus for those interested. HNA 2017 saw over 220 attendees. This is the second time HNA has been held in Winston Salem, and we plan to make it even better than last time.
Conference sessions will be held at the Hawthorne Inn, complete with free breakfast and parking.
Click here for conference registration information and for the Conference Registration form
Click here for the Conference Program.
Click here for information about visiting Winston Salem, City of the Arts.
Latest Haiku North America Newsletter - July 3rd 2019