News Bulletin #8, August 9, 2017
This the eighth of a series of bulletins about arrangements and the program for the Haiku North America conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 13–17 September 2017.
News Bulletins are posted on the HNA blog ( and our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please check there if you have missed a posting.
If you would rather not receive these e-mails, let us know and we’ll take your name off the mailing list. On the other hand, your feedback is welcome.
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Last chance to get a room at the Santa Fe Hotel, Hacienda & Spa
Just a reminder: August 13 is the cut-off date for reserving one of the rooms in the conference hotel that we have blocked-booked. Any rooms not booked by that date will be released and then available to anyone who calls to reserve a room. However, if someone from our conference calls to reserve a room and rooms are still available, they will get the $159 rate. If no rooms are available, no rooms are available.
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An important omission
Mea culpa. In News Bulletin #7 I mistakenly omitted mention of Maggie Chula’s haibun workshop, which she is specifically tailoring to the Conference theme “earthtones.” Here’s the description from the HNA 2017 Program:
What the Earth Holds: A Haibun Workshop
— Margaret Chula
Earth is the ground we stand on. It feeds and sustains us. We entrust our dead to the earth and honor them. The Santa Fe landscape of rock formations, minerals, and plant life will stimulate our imaginations as well as poems by eminent poets on the theme of earth. This is a generative workshop for both new and seasoned haibun writers.
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Sign-up for workshops
I had intended to call for folks to sign up for the workshops with limits on participation right after August 1 when the regular registration period closed and the number of attendees stabilized a bit. (It hasn’t stabilized much, and registrations continue to flow in—we’re well over 200 already!) In the meantime we have had to cancel Terry Ann Carter’s book-making workshops, which were among those with restricted participation. We’re working to find a possible replacement, but it will be a few days before we know for sure. Please bear with us. We’ll get people signed up as soon as we can.
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Charles Trumbull ([email protected])
for the HNA 2017 Organizing Committee