This the sixth of a series of bulletins about arrangements and the program for the Haiku North America conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 13–17 September 2017.
News Bulletins are posted on the HNA blog ( and our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please check there if you have missed a posting.
If you would rather not receive these e-mails, let us know and we’ll take your name off the mailing list. On the other hand, your feedback is welcome.
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Kaleidoscope readings
The three sessions of the Kaleidoscope new book launches and readings are now closed! If you are not already registered to read, you have missed your chance! We have eight 10-minute readings for each 90-minute session.
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Post-Conference Tour (Optional) to Bandelier National Monument, Monday, September 18
We have made arrangements for a special visit to Bandelier National Monument, a spectacular landscape and canyon housing cliff dwellings dating back as far as 11,000 years.
HNA participants are invited to print and fill out the Registration Form on the HSA website or contact the tour agency, Destination Services of Santa Fe, Inc., at [email protected]. A minimum of 20 persons is needed.
Right now we are short of the 20 minimum. If you are interested in this wonderful tour, register now!
On June 2, 2016, in honor of the Centennial of the US National Park Service, the US Postal Service issued a stamp featuring Bandelier National Monument. More information HERE.