This the tenth of a series of bulletins about arrangements and the program for the Haiku North America conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 13–17 September 2017.
News Bulletins are posted on the HNA blog ( and our Facebook and Twitter pages. Please check there if you have missed a posting.
If you would rather not receive these e-mails, let us know and we’ll take your name off the mailing list. On the other hand, your feedback is welcome.
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Sign-up for Workshops
Two of the workshops/demonstrations with limited attendance: Natalie Goldberg’s “The Power of Haiku and Practice” and Tom Leech’s “Suminagashi Demonstration” filled up within a few hours. Please do not try to sign up for these two events any longer!
The two sessions of Lidia Rozmus’s “One Brush Stroke” also filled up quickly, and I started a list of alternate attendees. This morning I spoke with Lidia and she agreed to admit a few “auditors” to her 2nd session, Saturday, September 16, 4:30–6:00. Those on the alternates list will already have received my invitation to be one of these auditors, but a few more places as auditors may be available. If you’d like to be considered, please reply by e-mail to me at [email protected]
Tom Painting has graciously agreed to hold a 2nd session of his workshop “Haiku: A First for Everything” on Thursday evening. So we now plan these two sessions:
1. Thursday, Sept. 14, 4:00–5:00. This session will run concurrently with Margaret Chula’s haibun workshop, “What the Earth Holds.”
2. Thursday, Sept. 14, 7:30–8:30. This session will run concurrently with the beginning of the 2nd “Kaleidoscope” new book launch reading
If you have already signed up for Tom’s workshop, I have contacted you to determine which session you prefer.
There are still a few places available in both sessions (especially the 2nd). If you would like to sign up, please e-mail me at the address above and indicate your preference in this format: 1st session only; 2nd session only; either, but prefer 1st; either, but prefer 2nd.
Scott Wiggerman’s workshop, “Revising Haiku for Beginners,” is also technically full, but he is willing to accept a few more beginners eager to learn. Again, please e-mail me at the above address.
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Earthsigns Soon A-Bornin’
Editors Michael Dylan Welch and Scott Wiggerman announce that the HNA 2017 Conference Anthology now has a name — Earthsigns — and is ready to go to press. Featuring the haiku of 179 poet-attendees, this will be by far the largest anthology of any of the Haiku North America Conferences. Each registrant at HNA 2017 will receive a copy of Earthlinks, and will have the opportunity to read his/her haiku aloud at the ceremonial opening reading on Thursday morning beginning about 9:00.
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Selling Something at the Book Fair?
Are you planning to participate in the HNA 2017 Book Fair? Be sure to read the Rules & Regs on the website at In particular, we’d like to have your Book Fair Inventory Sheets as soon as possible to help plan table space. Please do not ship your books to us just yet — we’ll have instructions in a few weeks.
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Charles Trumbull ([email protected])
for the HNA 2017 Organizing Committee